My Projects

Created or Lead

SlicerBoneMorphing (2023 - ongoing)

Description: Extension to the 3D Slicer application used for bone mesh morphing based on a statistical pattern. The Master's Thesis can be downloaded here: Download (only in English)

Key Role: Co-authored with Eva C. Herbst, Ph.D., ETH Zürich and Arthur Porto, Lousiana State University

Used technologies: Python, 3D Slicer

Correlation Finder (2023)

Description: Parallel programming course semestral project.

Key Role: Author

Used technologies: C, C++17, OpenCL, AVX

BrainIn (2022 - 2023)

Description: A web based platform for therapists to create exercises for patients with any kind of neural-system damage.

Key Role: Team Lead for a year, team size 3-4.

Used technologies: Unity, C#

MyoGenerator-Exporter (Bachelor's Thesis, 2018 - 2019)

Description: An add-on to the Blender application for muscle model exporting and their decomposition into separate fibres. The Bachelor's Thesis can be downloaded here: Download (only in Czech)

Key Role: Co-authored with Eva C. Herbst, Ph.D., ETH Zürich

Used technologies: Python, Blender

Better Mirroring Tool (Blender, 2019)

Description: An add-on to the Blender application for better model mirroring capabilities.

Key Role: Author

Used technologies: Python, Blender


Zen Browser (2024 - ongoing)

Description: A Firefox-based browser with redesigned UI, more private and filled with awesome features.

Key Role: Contributor

Used technologies: JavaScript, C++, Ruby, CSS

AimtecHackathon (2024)

Description: Yearly event in which enthusiastic programmers create solutions to real life problems over the course of one weekend.
Our team project was 'Cards for kids with ASD to help them communicate better'.

Key Role: Participant, Development Lead

Used technologies: React Native, AWS (Amplify, Lambda, Cognito, API Gateway, S3, DynamoDB, CloudWatch), Python

Advent of Code (2023)

Description: Yearly Christmas event inspiring developers to train their skills during the month of December. Link to my solutions: GitHub

Key Role: Participant

Used technologies: Rust, Swift

Hacktoberfest (2023)

Description: Yearly event inspiring developers to contribute to open-source projects.

Key Role: Participant

Used technologies: Swift, C++, C, C#

Basic Car Maintenance App (2023)

Description: Open-source iOS application for checking and creating notes about your car's maintenance.

Key Role: Contributor

Used technologies: Swift

DotMP (2023)

Description: Open-source library implementation of the OpenMP paradigm for .NET.

Key Role: Contributor

Used technologies: .NET, C#